
Year: 1994
Artist: Convulse

Facts about the album "Reflections"

Album Title: Reflections
Artist: Convulse

Meta Information: "Reflections" is a studio album by the Finnish death metal band Convulse, released on January 1, 1994. The album showcases Convulse's unique blend of old-school death metal with elements of thrash and doom, creating a dark and atmospheric sonic landscape. With its crushing guitar riffs, guttural vocals, and relentless drumming, "Reflections" delivers a powerful and immersive listening experience that explores themes of existential dread, mortality, and the human condition. The album solidifies Convulse's reputation as one of the pioneering bands in the Finnish death metal scene and remains a cult classic among fans of extreme metal music.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Influential Debut: "Reflections" is Convulse's debut studio album and is considered a landmark release in the Finnish death metal genre. The album's raw aggression, technical proficiency, and dark atmosphere set a new standard for extreme metal music, influencing countless bands and musicians in the years that followed.

  2. Reunion and Resurgence: After disbanding in the mid-1990s, Convulse reunited in the early 2010s and released a follow-up album titled "Evil Prevails" in 2013. The band's resurgence reignited interest in their earlier work, including "Reflections", prompting a new generation of metal fans to discover and appreciate their groundbreaking sound.

  3. Legacy in Finnish Metal: Convulse played a pivotal role in shaping the Finnish death metal scene alongside bands like Amorphis, Demilich, and Sentenced. "Reflections" helped establish Finland as a powerhouse in extreme metal music and remains a cornerstone of the country's metal heritage. The album's influence can be heard in the work of subsequent generations of Finnish metal bands, ensuring Convulse's la
