
Year: 2003
Artist: Construcdead

Other albums by Construcdead

Construcdead - Violadead
2004, songs: 2
Construcdead - The Grand Machinery
The Grand Machinery
2005, songs: 10
Construcdead - Violadead [Bonus Track]
Construcdead - Wounded
2005, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Repent"

Album Title: Repent
Artist: Construcdead
Genre: Melodic Death Metal

"Repent" is a relentless onslaught of melodic death metal delivered by Swedish band Construcdead. With blistering guitar riffs, thunderous drumming, and guttural vocals, the album explores themes of anguish, redemption, and existential turmoil. "Repent" showcases Construcdead's mastery of the melodic death metal genre, with each track delivering a visceral and cathartic listening experience that will leave fans of extreme metal craving for more.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Musical Evolution: "Repent" represents a significant evolution in Construcdead's musical style and sound. While maintaining their trademark intensity and aggression, the album incorporates more complex melodies, intricate song structures, and dynamic arrangements compared to their earlier releases. This evolution demonstrates the band's growth as musicians and their willingness to push the boundaries of their genre.

  2. Lyricism and Themes: The lyrics of "Repent" delve into dark and introspective themes, exploring topics such as inner turmoil, existential crisis, and the struggle for redemption. Drawing from personal experiences and philosophical reflections, the album's lyrical content adds depth and emotional resonance to Construcdead's sonic assault, inviting listeners to contemplate the human condition amidst the chaos of modern life.

  3. International Recognition: Despite being a relatively underground band within the metal scene, Construcdead has garnered international recognition for their uncompromising approach to melodic death metal. "Repent" received positive reviews from critics and fans alike, with many praising the album's musical complexity, brutal energy, and emotional depth. The album's critical acclaim helped solidify Construcdead's reputation as one of the most promising acts in the contemporary metal landscape.
