
Songs: 25
Albums: 10

Facts about Conflict


Conflict is a British punk rock band formed in 1981 in London. Known for their politically charged lyrics, aggressive sound, and DIY ethos, here are five facts about this influential group:

  1. Formation and Early Years: Conflict was formed in 1981 by vocalist Colin Jerwood, guitarist Steve Ignorant, and drummer Paul Hoddy, with various other members joining and departing throughout the band's history. The band emerged from the British anarcho-punk scene of the early 1980s, drawing inspiration from anarchist philosophy, anti-authoritarianism, and DIY punk ethics. Conflict quickly gained a reputation for their passionate live performances and confrontational lyrics addressing social and political issues.

  2. Musical Style and Influence: Conflict's music is characterized by its raw, aggressive sound, fast-paced rhythms, and Jerwood's impassioned vocals. The band's early releases, including the EP "The House That Man Built" (1982) and the album "It's Time to See Who's Who" (1983), helped to establish their reputation as one of the leading voices of the anarcho-punk movement. Conflict's music has influenced generations of punk and hardcore bands, inspiring fans with their uncompromising stance and dedication to DIY principles.

  3. Lyrical Themes and Activism: Conflict's lyrics are highly politicized and often address a wide range of social, environmental, and anti-capitalist issues. Songs like "Increase the Pressure", "The Serenade is Dead", and "This is the A.L.F." tackle topics such as animal rights, environmental destruction, war, and corporate greed. Conflict has been actively involved in various political and social causes over the years, using their platform to raise awareness and promote activism. The band has supported campaigns against nuclear weapons, animal cruelty, and social injustice, and has been vocal advocates for anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideals.

  4. Live Performances and Controversy: Conflict is renowned for their intense and confrontational live performances, which often feature Jerwood's charismatic stage presence and the band's energetic musical delivery. Conflict's shows have sometimes sparked controversy due to their confrontational lyrics and political messaging. The band has faced censorship and bans in certain countries, as well as opposition from conservative and authoritarian groups. Despite these challenges, Conflict remains committed to using their music as a tool for social change and resistance.

  5. Legacy and Continued Activity: Conflict continues to be active in the punk scene, performing live shows and releasing new music. Over the years, the band has released numerous albums, EPs, and singles, maintaining their status as one of the most enduring and influential punk bands of their generation. Conflict's uncompromising stance, DIY ethos, and commitment to political activism have earned them a dedicated following and cemented their legacy as true punk rock icons.

In summary, Conflict is a legendary punk rock band known for their aggressive sound, politically charged lyrics, and uncompromising DIY ethos. With their passionate activism and confrontational approach, Conflict has left an indelible mark on the punk scene, inspiring generations of fans and fellow musicians to stand up against injustice and fight for a better world.
