Comedian Harmonists

Songs: 3
Albums: 3

Facts about Comedian Harmonists

Comedian Harmonists

The Comedian Harmonists were a German close-harmony vocal group that achieved international fame in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Here are some facts about them:

  1. Formation and Early Years: The Comedian Harmonists were formed in 1927 in Berlin, Germany, by Harry Frommermann, who gathered together five other young male singers with the aim of forming a vocal ensemble that would blend traditional German folk songs with popular American jazz and swing influences. The original lineup included Ari Leschnikoff, Erich A. Collin, Roman Cycowski, Robert Biberti, and Erwin Bootz.

  2. Unique Vocal Style: The Comedian Harmonists were renowned for their impeccable close-harmony singing, characterized by tight vocal arrangements, seamless blending of voices, and intricate vocal harmonies. Their repertoire included a wide range of songs, spanning from traditional German folk tunes and classical compositions to popular American jazz standards and contemporary hits of the time.

  3. International Success: The Comedian Harmonists quickly gained popularity in Germany and soon achieved international fame, touring extensively throughout Europe and making successful concert appearances in the United States. They recorded numerous albums and singles, selling millions of records worldwide and earning widespread acclaim for their distinctive vocal performances and innovative arrangements.

  4. Film Career: In addition to their music career, the Comedian Harmonists also appeared in several German films during the early 1930s, showcasing their talents as both singers and actors. One of their most notable film appearances was in the 1931 musical comedy "Der Kongreß tanzt" ("The Congress Dances"), directed by Erik Charell, where they performed several songs and musical numbers.

  5. Impact and Legacy: The Comedian Harmonists left an indelible mark on the history of vocal music, inspiring countless other vocal groups and ensembles with their innovative harmonies and captivating performances. Despite their immense popularity, the group's career was cut short by the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany, which led to the banning of their music due to the Jewish heritage of some of the members. The Comedian Harmonists disbanded in 1934, but their recordings continue to be celebrated
