Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Facts about CJSS

  1. Heavy Metal Band Formed in the 1980s: CJSS is a heavy metal band formed in the mid-1980s by guitarist David T. Chastain. The band's name is an acronym formed from the initials of its members: Chastain, Jeff "Skunk" Baxter (bass), Les Sharp (drums), and Russell Jinkens (vocals). Known for their energetic performances and technical proficiency, CJSS quickly gained a following in the metal underground with their blend of traditional heavy metal and neoclassical guitar shredding.

  2. Debut Album "World Gone Mad": CJSS released their debut album, "World Gone Mad", in 1986. The album showcased the band's virtuosic musicianship and aggressive, high-energy approach to heavy metal. With blistering guitar solos, thunderous drumming, and powerful vocals, "World Gone Mad" received positive reviews from metal fans and critics alike, establishing CJSS as a force to be reckoned with in the metal scene.

  3. Neoclassical Guitar Shredding: CJSS is known for their incorporation of neoclassical guitar techniques into their music, particularly through the shredding prowess of guitarist David T. Chastain. Drawing inspiration from classical composers such as Paganini and Bach, Chastain's lightning-fast arpeggios, sweep picking, and harmonic minor scales became a hallmark of CJSS's sound, earning him acclaim as one of the premier guitarists in the metal underground.

  4. Subsequent Releases and Evolution: Following the success of "World Gone Mad", CJSS released several more albums throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s, including "Praise the Loud" (1986) and "Kings of the World" (1990). These albums continued to showcase the band's technical prowess and melodic songwriting, albeit with some lineup changes over the years. CJSS's music evolved with the changing trends of the metal scene, incorporating elements of thrash metal and progressive rock while retaining their signature sound.

  5. Legacy and Influence: While CJSS may not have achieved the commercial success of some of their contemporaries, their influence on the metal genre is undeniable. The band's virtuosic musicianship, particularly the guitar wizardry of David T. Chastain, inspired countless aspiring shredders and left an indelible mark on the metal underground. CJSS's music continues to be celebrated by fa
