Cisco Houston

Songs: 20
Albums: 3

Facts about Cisco Houston

Cisco Houston
  1. Folk Singer and Songwriter of the American Folk Revival: Cisco Houston was a folk singer and songwriter who played a significant role in the American folk music revival of the mid-20th century. Born Gilbert Vandine Houston in 1918 in Wilmington, Delaware, Houston became associated with the folk music scene centered around New York City's Greenwich Village in the 1940s and 1950s.

  2. Collaborations with Woody Guthrie and Lead Belly: Cisco Houston is perhaps best known for his collaborations with fellow folk musicians Woody Guthrie and Lead Belly. He frequently performed and recorded with Guthrie, accompanying him on guitar and providing harmonies on many of Guthrie's songs. Houston also recorded several albums with Lead Belly, further solidifying his reputation as a key figure in the folk music community.

  3. Songs of Social Justice and American Experience: Cisco Houston's repertoire encompassed a wide range of traditional folk songs, as well as original compositions inspired by his experiences and observations of American life. He was known for his poignant interpretations of songs dealing with social justice issues, labor struggles, and the human condition. Houston's rich baritone voice and soulful delivery lent depth and authenticity to his performances, earning him acclaim as a storyteller and interpreter of the American folk tradition.

  4. Activism and Advocacy: In addition to his musical contributions, Cisco Houston was also involved in activism and advocacy efforts, using his platform as a musician to raise awareness of social and political issues. He participated in union organizing campaigns, civil rights marches, and other grassroots movements, aligning himself with causes that reflected his commitment to social justice and equality.

  5. Legacy and Influence: Cisco Houston's legacy as a folk singer and activist continues to be celebrated by fans of American roots music and folk revival enthusiasts. His recordings and performances helped preserve and popularize traditional folk songs while inspiring subsequent generations of folk musicians. Houston's dedication to social activism and his belief in the power of music to effect change serve as enduring reminders of the transformative potential of folk music in shaping cu
