The Collection

Year: 1998
Artist: Caterina Valente

Facts about the album "The Collection"

Album Title: The Collection
Artist: Caterina Valente

"The Collection" is a compilation album showcasing the remarkable talent of the Italian singer Caterina Valente. Released on various dates depending on region, this collection brings together some of Valente's most iconic recordings, spanning her illustrious career and highlighting her versatility as a vocalist across a variety of musical genres.

Three Interesting Facts:

  1. Multilingual Repertoire: Caterina Valente was renowned for her ability to sing fluently in multiple languages, including Italian, French, German, English, and Spanish. "The Collection" reflects Valente's linguistic dexterity, featuring songs in various languages that showcase her mastery of pronunciation, phrasing, and intonation.

  2. International Stardom: Caterina Valente achieved global acclaim and success during the 1950s and 1960s, earning a dedicated fan base in Europe, North America, and beyond. With her captivating stage presence, dynamic vocal range, and charismatic personality, Valente became one of the most popular and sought-after entertainers of her time, performing to sold-out audiences around the world.

  3. Collaborative Excellence: Throughout her career, Caterina Valente collaborated with renowned musicians, composers, and arrangers, contributing to the richness and diversity of her musical output. "The Collection" features recordings with orchestras, bands, and ensembles that highlight Valente's ability to adapt to different musical settings and showcase her exceptional talent as a vocalist and performer.
