Candy Snatchers

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Candy Snatchers - Candy Snatchers
Candy Snatchers
1996, songs: 1

Facts about Candy Snatchers

Candy Snatchers

The Candy Snatchers were a punk rock band from Northern Virginia, USA, known for their raw and energetic performances. Here are some key facts about the band:

  1. Formation and Early Years: The Candy Snatchers formed in the early 1990s in Northern Virginia, a region known for its vibrant punk rock scene. The band was comprised of Larry May on vocals, Matthew Odietus on guitar, and Sergio Ponce on drums, with various bassists joining the lineup over the years. Influenced by classic punk bands like The Stooges, The Ramones, and The Dead Boys, the Candy Snatchers quickly gained a reputation for their high-octane live shows and raucous sound.

  2. Ferocious Sound and DIY Ethos: The Candy Snatchers' music was characterized by its ferocious energy, blistering guitar riffs, and raw, no-frills approach to punk rock. Their songs often featured short, fast-paced bursts of aggression, with May's snarling vocals cutting through the chaos. Embracing a DIY ethos, the band self-released much of their music and eschewed mainstream conventions in favor of maintaining artistic independence and authenticity.

  3. Album Releases and Underground Following: Over the years, the Candy Snatchers released several albums and EPs, including "Human Zoo" (1998), "Pissed Off, Ripped Off, Screwed" (2000), and "Down at Delilah's" (2003). While never achieving mainstream success, the band cultivated a devoted following within the underground punk rock scene, particularly in the DIY punk communities of the United States and Europe.

  4. Infamous Live Performances: The Candy Snatchers were known for their notoriously chaotic and unpredictable live performances. Their shows often descended into mayhem, with band members leaping into the audience, smashing instruments, and inciting frenzied mosh pits. Despite (or perhaps because of) the chaos, the Candy Snatchers' live shows were unforgettable experiences that left a lasting impression on audiences lucky enough to witness them.

  5. Legacy and Influence: Though they disbanded in the mid-2000s, the Candy Snatchers' influence on the punk rock genre persists. Their unapologetic attitude, blistering musical style, and DIY spirit continue to inspire a new generation of punk musicians and fans. While their time together may have been relatively short-lived, the Candy Snatchers left an indelible mark on the punk rock landscape, cementing their status as cult
