Calibretto 13

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Calibretto 13 - Adventures in Tokyo
Adventures in Tokyo
2002, songs: 1

Facts about Calibretto 13

Calibretto 13

Calibretto 13 was a Christian punk band formed in 1998 in Kokomo, Indiana. Despite their relatively short-lived career, they left a significant impact on the Christian punk scene and garnered a dedicated fanbase. Here are some key facts about the band:

  1. Unique Blend of Punk and Folk Influences: Calibretto 13 distinguished themselves within the Christian punk genre by incorporating elements of folk music into their sound. Their music often featured acoustic guitars, accordions, and other unconventional punk instruments, setting them apart from their peers.

  2. Lyrically Provocative and Honest: One of the defining characteristics of Calibretto 13's music was their raw and introspective lyrics. They were unafraid to tackle complex and sometimes controversial topics such as personal struggles, faith, doubt, and societal issues. This honesty resonated deeply with their audience and contributed to their authenticity as a band.

  3. Influence on Christian Punk Scene: Despite their relatively short tenure as a band, Calibretto 13 had a lasting impact on the Christian punk scene. Their music inspired a new generation of musicians and bands, influencing the direction of the genre with their unique blend of punk ethos and Christian themes.

  4. Album Releases: Over the course of their career, Calibretto 13 released two full-length albums: "Enter the Danger Brigade" in 1999 and "Adventures in Tokyo" in 2002. Both albums received positive reviews from critics and fans alike, further solidifying the band's reputation within the Christian punk community.

  5. Disbandment and Legacy: Despite their growing popularity, Calibretto 13 disbanded in 2005, much to the disappointment of their fans. However, their music continued to resonate with listeners, and their legacy lived on through their recordings and the impact they had on the Christian punk scene. Many fans continue to revisit their music, keeping the spirit of Calibretto 13 alive years after their disbandment.

Overall, Calibretto 13 remains a beloved and influential figure in the Christian punk genre, known for their unique sound, honest lyrics, and lasting legacy.
