Butter 08

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Butter 08 - Butter 08
Butter 08
1996, songs: 1

Facts about Butter 08

Butter 08

Butter 08 was an American alternative rock band formed in 1996, featuring a lineup of musicians from various notable bands. Here are some key facts about the group:

  1. Formation and Members: Butter 08 was formed as a side project by a group of musicians known for their work in other bands. The lineup consisted of Miho Hatori and Yuka Honda of Cibo Matto, Russell Simins of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Rick Lee of Skeleton Key, and director Mike Mills. The band members came together with the intention of creating experimental and unconventional music that pushed the boundaries of genre.

  2. Self-Titled Debut Album: Butter 08 released their self-titled debut album in 1996 on the Grand Royal label, founded by the Beastie Boys. The album featured a mix of electronic, hip-hop, and alternative rock influences, with quirky and irreverent lyrics. Tracks like "Butter of 69" and "9MM" showcased the band's eclectic sound and playful approach to music-making.

  3. Musical Style and Influence: Butter 08's music was characterized by its eclectic blend of genres, incorporating elements of rock, hip-hop, electronic, and experimental music. The band's experimental approach to songwriting and production, coupled with their offbeat lyrics and unconventional instrumentation, set them apart from other alternative rock acts of the time. Butter 08's sound has been cited as an influence by later artists exploring similar sonic territories.

  4. Limited Commercial Success: While Butter 08 received critical acclaim for their debut album and attracted a dedicated fanbase, they did not achieve significant commercial success. The band's experimental sound and unconventional approach to music-making may have limited their mainstream appeal, but they garnered praise from critics and fellow musicians for their creativity and innovation.

  5. Disbandment and Legacy: After the release of their debut album, Butter 08 disbanded, and the members returned to their respective primary projects. While their tenure as a band was relatively short-lived, Butter 08 left a lasting impact on the alternative rock scene of the 1990s. Their self-titled album remains a cult favorite among fans of experimental and alternative music, appreciated for its adventurous spirit and boundary-pushing approach. Butter 08's legacy as a pioneering group in the realm of genre-blurring and unconventional rock music endures, and
