
Songs: 1
Albums: 1

Facts about Burnman

  1. Formation and Background: Burnman was a post-hardcore band formed in 2001 in Richmond, Virginia. The band consisted of vocalist and guitarist Cory Stevenson, guitarist Peter Cetinich, bassist Dan Guinan, and drummer Taylor Steele. Drawing inspiration from the punk and hardcore scenes of the 1990s, Burnman's music was characterized by its raw energy, intricate guitar work, and politically charged lyrics.

  2. Musical Style and Influences: Burnman's music blended elements of punk rock, hardcore, and post-hardcore, creating a sound that was both aggressive and melodic. The band's intense live performances and socially conscious lyrics resonated with fans of the underground punk scene, earning them a dedicated following. Burnman cited influences such as Fugazi, Jawbreaker, and Refused, whose innovative approaches to punk music inspired their own creative direction.

  3. Album Releases and Critical Reception: Burnman released their debut album, "Notes for a Catalogue for an Exhibition" in 2002 on No Idea Records. The album received positive reviews from critics, praising its inventive songwriting and passionate delivery. Burnman followed up with the release of their sophomore album, "Passwords, Poison Words" in 2004, further showcasing their evolution as a band and solidifying their reputation as one of the standout acts in the post-hardcore scene.

  4. Touring and Live Performances: Burnman toured extensively throughout the United States and Europe, sharing the stage with notable bands such as Hot Water Music, Against Me!, and Strike Anywhere. Their electrifying live shows and DIY ethos resonated with audiences, fostering a sense of community and solidarity within the punk and hardcore scenes. Burnman's commitment to grassroots organizing and activism further endeared them to fans who shared their values and ideals.

  5. Disbandment and Legacy: Despite their growing success and influence, Burnman disbanded in 2005 following a final tour. The members went on to pursue other musical projects and creative endeavors, leaving behind a legacy of passionate music and social activism. Burnman's impact on the punk and hardcore scenes continues to be felt, with their music inspiring subsequent generations of musicians and activists to use their art as a platform for social change.
