Blog 27

Songs: 2
Albums: 1


Blog 27 - LOL
2006, songs: 2

Facts about Blog 27

Blog 27

Blog 27 was a Polish musical duo consisting of vocalist Alicja Węgorzewska and rapper Tola Szlagowska. They gained popularity in the mid-2000s with their catchy pop songs and energetic performances. Here are several facts about the group:

  1. Formation and Early Success: Blog 27 was formed in 2005 in Warsaw, Poland, by Alicja Węgorzewska and Tola Szlagowska, who were teenagers at the time. The duo gained attention with their debut single "Hey Boy (Get Your Ass Up)", which was released in 2006 and became an instant hit in Poland and other European countries. The song's infectious beat, catchy chorus, and playful lyrics helped propel Blog 27 to the forefront of the pop music scene.

  2. Commercial Achievements: Following the success of "Hey Boy (Get Your Ass Up)", Blog 27 released their debut album, "LOL", later that year. The album spawned several more hit singles, including "Uh La La La" and "Wid Out Ya", which further solidified the duo's status as rising stars in the pop music world. "LOL" achieved commercial success in Poland and other European markets, earning Blog 27 widespread acclaim and a dedicated fanbase.

  3. Musical Style and Influences: Blog 27's music is characterized by its upbeat tempo, electronic beats, and catchy melodies. Drawing inspiration from various musical genres, including pop, dance, and hip-hop, the duo created a distinctive sound that resonated with listeners of all ages. Their songs often featured playful lyrics and infectious hooks, making them popular choices for radio airplay and club playlists.

  4. International Recognition: Despite primarily singing in English, Blog 27 achieved international recognition with their music, particularly in Europe and Asia. Their songs received airplay on radio stations and music channels across the continent, and they embarked on tours to promote their music and connect with fans. Blog 27's success abroad further solidified their status as one of Poland's most successful musical exports of the mid-2000s.

  5. Disbandment and Legacy: Despite their initial success, Blog 27 disbanded in 2008, shortly after the release of their second album, "Before I'll Die". While the duo's time in the spotlight was relatively short-lived, their impact on the pop music scene of the mid-2000s is still remembered fondly by fans. Their catchy tunes and energetic performances left an indelible mark on the industry, and their music continues to be celebrated by fans who fondly remember the duo's contributions to the pop music landscape.
