Black Lungs

Songs: 7
Albums: 2


Black Lungs - Send Flowers
Send Flowers
2008, songs: 6

Facts about Black Lungs

Black Lungs

Black Lungs is the solo project of Canadian musician and songwriter Wade MacNeil, best known as the guitarist and vocalist for the post-hardcore band Alexisonfire. Here are some key facts about Black Lungs:

  1. Formation and Musical Style: Black Lungs was formed by Wade MacNeil during a hiatus period for Alexisonfire. MacNeil began working on solo material that diverged from the post-hardcore sound of his main band. Black Lungs' music incorporates elements of punk rock, garage rock, and alternative rock, characterized by gritty guitar riffs, driving rhythms, and MacNeil's raspy vocals. The sound of Black Lungs showcases MacNeil's versatility as a songwriter and musician, exploring different musical territories while retaining a raw and energetic edge.

  2. Debut Album "Send Flowers": Black Lungs released their debut album, "Send Flowers", in 2008. The album featured a collection of high-energy punk rock songs with catchy hooks and anthemic choruses. Tracks like "Hold Fast (Sink or Swim)" and "For Her" exemplify the album's dynamic sound and MacNeil's knack for crafting memorable, emotionally charged songs. "Send Flowers" received positive reviews from critics and fans, establishing Black Lungs as a promising solo project and showcasing MacNeil's songwriting skills outside of Alexisonfire.

  3. Limited Activity and Future Plans: Following the release of "Send Flowers", Black Lungs' activity has been sporadic. Wade MacNeil has focused primarily on his work with Alexisonfire, as well as other musical projects such as Gallows and Dooms Children. While there hasn't been much new material released under the Black Lungs moniker in recent years, MacNeil has expressed interest in continuing the project and exploring new musical directions in the future. Fans of Black Lungs eagerly await any updates or new releases from MacNeil's solo venture.

  4. Connection to Alexisonfire: Despite their differences in musical style, Black Lungs shares a connection with Alexisonfire through Wade MacNeil's involvement in both projects. While Alexisonfire is known for their post-hardcore sound characterized by melodic hooks and impassioned vocals, Black Lungs offers a different sonic experience, showcasing MacNeil's versatility as a musician and songwriter. Fans of Alexisonfire may appreciate the raw energy and emotive songwriting found in Black Lungs' music, while also enjoying the opportunity to explore MacNeil's solo work.

  5. Cult Following and Influence: Despite its limited output, Black Lungs has garnered a cult following among fans of punk rock and alternative music. MacNeil's charismatic stage presence and passionate performances have endeared him to audiences around the world, and Black Lungs' music continues to resonate with listeners who appreciate its raw energy and emotional honesty. While the project remains relatively under the radar compared to MacNeil's other musical endeavors, Black Lungs' influence on the Canadian punk rock scene and beyond is undeniable, and its legacy as a solo project of a talented musician continues to grow.
