
Songs: 2
Albums: 1


Facts about Bikeride

  1. Indie Pop Band: Bikeride is an indie pop band known for their catchy melodies, whimsical lyrics, and DIY ethos. Formed in Riverside, California, in the early 1990s, the band's sound is characterized by jangly guitars, upbeat rhythms, and lush harmonies, reminiscent of classic indie pop acts like The Smiths, The Beach Boys, and Belle and Sebastian.

  2. Founding Members: Bikeride was founded by guitarist and vocalist Tony Carbone and drummer Eric Stoess in the early 1990s. The band's lineup has undergone several changes over the years, with Carbone being the only consistent member. Despite lineup changes, Bikeride has maintained a distinct sound and style throughout their career.

  3. Album Releases and Critical Acclaim: Bikeride has released several albums and EPs since their formation. Their debut album, "Summer Winners, Winter Losers", was released in 1998 and received positive reviews from critics. The album showcased the band's knack for crafting infectious pop hooks and clever lyrics, earning them a loyal fan base in the indie music scene.

  4. Influence and Cult Following: While Bikeride never achieved mainstream success, they developed a dedicated cult following among indie pop enthusiasts. Their music is often celebrated for its sunny melodies, nostalgic lyrics, and DIY aesthetic. Bikeride's influence can be heard in the work of contemporary indie pop bands, who draw inspiration from the band's melodic sensibilities and lo-fi charm.

  5. Hiatus and Return: After releasing several albums in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Bikeride went on hiatus for several years. However, they returned to the music scene in the late 2010s with new material and renewed enthusiasm. The band continues to perform live and release new music, delighting fans with their infectious pop hooks and playful approach to songwri
