Big Blue Ball

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Big Blue Ball - Big Blue Ball
Big Blue Ball
2008, songs: 1

Facts about Big Blue Ball

Big Blue Ball

"Big Blue Ball" is a collaborative music project initiated by Real World Studios, founded by musician Peter Gabriel. Here are some key facts about the project:

  1. Genesis of the Project: The idea for Big Blue Ball originated in the early 1990s during recording sessions at Real World Studios in Box, England. Artists from various cultural backgrounds and musical genres would frequently come together at the studio, leading to impromptu jam sessions and collaborations. These sessions laid the groundwork for what would eventually become the Big Blue Ball project.

  2. Global Collaboration: Big Blue Ball is characterized by its diverse lineup of musicians from around the world. Artists from different countries and cultural traditions contributed to the project, bringing their unique musical styles and influences to the table. The project aimed to celebrate the rich tapestry of global music and foster cross-cultural exchange through collaborative creativity.

  3. Recording Process: Over the course of several years, recording sessions for Big Blue Ball took place intermittently at Real World Studios and other locations around the world. The sessions were characterized by a relaxed and experimental atmosphere, allowing the participating musicians to explore new musical ideas and improvisations. Tracks were recorded in various languages and musical styles, reflecting the diverse backgrounds of the artists involved.

  4. Album Release: After many years of recording and production, the self-titled album "Big Blue Ball" was finally released in 2008. The album featured a collection of songs and instrumentals that blended elements of world music, electronica, rock, and more. Tracks like "Whole Thing" and "Burn You Up, Burn You Down" showcased the eclectic mix of sounds and styles that defined the project.

  5. Reception and Legacy: "Big Blue Ball" received positive reviews from critics and fans alike, who praised its innovative approach to global fusion music. The album's success highlighted the power of collaboration and cultural exchange in music, inspiring other artists to explore similar creative avenues. While the project itself may not have continued beyond the album release, its legacy lives on as a testament to the transformative potential of musical collaboration on a glo
