
Songs: 19
Albums: 4

Facts about Beulah


Beulah was an indie rock band from San Francisco, California, known for their melodic and intricate songwriting style. Here are some facts about the band:

  1. Formation and Early Years: Beulah was formed in the mid-1990s by singer-songwriter Miles Kurosky and guitarist Bill Swan. The band's lineup underwent several changes in its early years before solidifying with the addition of guitarist and vocalist Bill Evans, bassist Steve LaFollette, keyboardist Pat Noel, and drummer Danny Sullivan. Drawing inspiration from classic pop and rock influences, Beulah developed a unique sound characterized by lush harmonies, catchy melodies, and intricate arrangements.

  2. Critical Acclaim and Commercial Success: Beulah garnered widespread critical acclaim for their albums, earning praise for their infectious hooks, clever lyrics, and sophisticated musical arrangements. Their second album, "When Your Heartstrings Break" (1999), received particular acclaim and is often considered a classic of the indie rock genre. The album's blend of indie pop, folk, and psychedelic influences showcased Beulah's versatility as songwriters and musicians. Subsequent albums, including "The Coast Is Never Clear" (2001) and "Yoko" (2003), further solidified the band's reputation as one of the most innovative and exciting acts in indie rock.

  3. Musical Style and Influences: Beulah's music drew from a wide range of influences, including 1960s pop, psychedelic rock, and folk. Their songs often featured lush, multi-layered arrangements, incorporating elements such as horns, strings, and keyboards to create a rich and dynamic sound. Lyrically, Beulah explored themes of love, loss, and existential angst, blending introspective storytelling with playful wordplay and wry humor. The band's eclectic approach to songwriting and their willingness to experiment with different musical styles set them apart from their peers in the indie rock scene.

  4. Disbandment and Legacy: Despite their critical acclaim and devoted fanbase, Beulah disbanded in 2004 after releasing four full-length albums and several EPs. The reasons for the breakup were not publicly disclosed, but members of the band went on to pursue various solo projects and collaborations in the years following Beulah's disbandment. Despite their relatively short-lived career, Beulah left a lasting impact on the indie rock scene, influencing a new generation of musicians with their inventive songwriting and distinctive sound.

  5. Post-Breakup Projects: Following the breakup of Beulah, members of the band pursued various musical endeavors. Miles Kurosky released a solo album, "The Desert of Shallow Effects", in 2010, while Bill Evans formed the band The Heavenly States. Other former members of Beulah contributed to projects such as The Aislers Set, Papercuts, and the Extra Glenns. Though Beulah may no longer be active, their music continues to be celebrated by fans of indie rock for its timeless appeal and enduring influence on the genre.
