
Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Betrayer - Rusted Icons
Rusted Icons
2001, songs: 1

Facts about Betrayer

  1. Indonesian Thrash Metal Band: Betrayer is an Indonesian thrash metal band that emerged in the late 1980s and became one of the pioneering forces in the Indonesian metal scene. Formed in Jakarta in 1986, Betrayer quickly gained a following for their aggressive sound, intense live performances, and socially conscious lyrics.

  2. Debut Album "Betrayer" (1990): Betrayer released their self-titled debut album in 1990, which solidified their reputation as one of Indonesia's premier thrash metal bands. The album featured fast-paced riffs, blistering guitar solos, and politically charged lyrics that addressed social issues such as corruption, inequality, and oppression. Songs like "Revolt", "Anjing Jalanan", and "Bisikan Setan" became anthems for Indonesian metalheads and cemented Betrayer's status as a force to be reckoned with in the global metal scene.

  3. Influence and Legacy: Betrayer's impact on the Indonesian metal scene cannot be overstated. As one of the earliest thrash metal bands in the country, they played a crucial role in popularizing the genre and inspiring a new generation of metal musicians. Their aggressive yet melodic style, coupled with their socially conscious lyrics, resonated with audiences and helped to shape the identity of Indonesian metal music.

  4. Continued Relevance and Evolution: Despite facing challenges and lineup changes over the years, Betrayer has remained active and continues to perform and record music. The band has evolved with the times, incorporating elements of death metal, black metal, and other subgenres into their sound while staying true to their thrash metal roots. Betrayer's music continues to resonate with fans old and new, and they remain a respected and influential presence in the Indonesian metal scene.

  5. International Recognition: Betrayer's impact extends beyond Indonesia, and they have gained recognition on the international stage. Their music has been featured on compilation albums and distributed worldwide, earning them a dedicated fan base in countries across the globe. Betrayer's uncompromising attitude, relentless energy, and commitment to their craft have earned them respect from metalheads around the world, solidifying their status as legends of the thrash metal genre.
