Bad Astronaut

Songs: 4
Albums: 2


Facts about Bad Astronaut

Bad Astronaut
  1. Side Project of Lagwagon Frontman Joey Cape: Bad Astronaut was a side project formed by Joey Cape, the frontman of the well-known punk rock band Lagwagon. Founded in 2000, Bad Astronaut allowed Cape to explore different musical styles and themes outside of Lagwagon's punk rock sound. Cape played guitar, provided vocals, and served as the primary songwriter for Bad Astronaut.

  2. Experimental Sound and Eclectic Influences: Bad Astronaut's music defied easy categorization, blending elements of punk rock, alternative rock, indie rock, and even elements of progressive rock. The band's sound was characterized by its melodic hooks, intricate arrangements, and introspective lyrics. With each album, Bad Astronaut showcased a willingness to experiment with different genres and musical textures, creating a diverse and eclectic discography.

  3. Limited Discography and Cult Following: Despite receiving critical acclaim for their music, Bad Astronaut released only two full-length albums during their existence: "Houston: We Have a Drinking Problem" (2002) and "Twelve Small Steps, One Giant Disappointment" (2006). Both albums were well-received by fans and critics alike, earning praise for their emotional depth, musical craftsmanship, and Cape's introspective songwriting. Despite their limited output, Bad Astronaut developed a devoted cult following among fans of alternative and punk rock.

  4. Tragic End and Posthumous Releases: Bad Astronaut's trajectory was tragically cut short by the untimely death of drummer Derrick Plourde in 2005. Plourde's passing deeply affected the band members, leading to the dissolution of Bad Astronaut. However, Cape and the remaining members of Lagwagon honored Plourde's memory by releasing "Acrophobe", a collection of demos and unreleased tracks, in 2010. The album served as a tribute to Plourde's contributions to Bad Astronaut and the music community as a whole.

  5. Legacy and Influence: Despite their brief existence, Bad Astronaut's music continues to resonate with listeners who appreciate the band's willingness to push musical boundaries and explore complex themes. Cape's introspective lyrics and the band's dynamic sound have left an indelible mark on the alternative rock genre, inspiring musicians and fans alike. Bad Astronaut's legacy as a pioneering force in experimental rock endures, ensuring their place in the annals of music history.
