!Action Pact!

Songs: 1
Albums: 1

Facts about !Action Pact!

!Action Pact!
  1. Formation and Style: !Action Pact! was a British punk rock band formed in 1981 in Stanwell, England. They emerged during the second wave of punk, blending elements of traditional punk rock with a more melodic and pop-influenced sound. The band's music often featured fast-paced guitar riffs, catchy hooks, and politically charged lyrics, reflecting the socio-political climate of the time.

  2. Notable Releases: !Action Pact! released several singles and albums during their active years. Some of their most notable releases include the singles "London Bouncers" (1982) and "Yet Another Dole Queue Song" (1983), as well as their debut album "Mercury Theatre - On The Air!" (1983). These recordings helped establish the band within the punk scene and garnered them a dedicated following.

  3. Lineup Changes and Disbandment: Like many punk bands of their era, !Action Pact! underwent several lineup changes throughout their career. The band's original lineup consisted of vocalist George Cheex, guitarist Wild Planet, bassist Dr. Phibes, and drummer Joe Fungus. Over the years, members came and went, with George Cheex being the only constant member. Despite their initial popularity, internal conflicts and external pressures led to the band's eventual disbandment in 1986.

  4. Legacy and Influence: !Action Pact! may not have achieved mainstream success during their brief existence, but they left a lasting impact on the punk rock scene. Their music and lyrics resonated with fans who were drawn to the band's energetic performances and outspoken social commentary. Additionally, their DIY ethos and rebellious spirit inspired future generations of punk musicians.

  5. Post-Band Activities: Following the breakup of !Action Pact!, members pursued various musical projects and other endeavors. George Cheex remained active in the punk scene, collaborating with other musicians and occasionally performing live. While the band's output was relatively limited compared to some of their peers, their contributions to the punk genre continue to be celebrated by fans and historians alike.
